Unbleached Grande Prefold Diaper Package with Thirsties Duo Covers
- Description
Unbleached Grande Prefold Diaper Package - All The prefold diapers and diaper covers you will need thru 30 lbs. - Included are enough cloth diapers so that you only need to wash every 3-5 days. We also recommend this package to parents of twins so that you can wash every 1-3 days.
- 48 Unbleached Infant 4x8x4 prefolds (4 Dozen)
- 36 Unbleached Premium 4x8x4 prefolds (3 Dozen)
- 12 Thirsties Duo Wrap Diaper Covers (6 Size 1, 6 Size 2)
- 1 Roll of Osocozy Flushable liners to get you started
Free shipping on orders over $79
Unbleached Grande Prefold Diaper Package with Thirsties Duo Covers
This package is enough for me to do a 2 day wash with twin girls! There are enough covers and prefolds to use on them and not run out. I believe that as long as they are taken care of you could definitely use them for more than 1 pregnancy! They are also super easy to wash as you just wash them together and you don't need a specific kind of soap. The more you wash the better absorbency they have. I recommend washing at least 4 times before first use just to have that initial absorbency! After 10 washes they are super absorbent. To strip them you can wash with bleach or soak in boiling water. Dry as normal. I hope this helps you mommas! Cause I LOVE them!
I started cloth diapering when I discovered my first child was allergic to several brands of disposable diapers. I have used Osocozy from the start of cloth diapering my first child ten years ago. I've also tried various brands of all in ones, pockets ect. Synthetic inserts are not easy to get clean and the reason on stick to these precious. These prefolds are the best and I would expect this prefold package to last through diapering two or three children if you got new covers for each child. Air drying covers indoors is the best way to make them last. If I could go back in time I would have purchased only this package.
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