Traveling with Cloth Diapers
Sometimes you'll find yourself traveling and needing to use cloth diapers. This could be because of camping, vacations, or just simply visiting friends and family. Here's what you need to get you through your vacation and still maintain the use of your cloth diapers.
What you need:
You are going to need a good wetbag for the trip. Wet bags will be your best friend during travel. You'll probably want one for clean diapers and one for the dirties. Make sure its air tight and has a zipper or draw string. You don't want to have to travel with smelly diapers. You can buy a hanging wet bag which can be easily placed on a door knob or hung up in a hotel. It can double as a pail while you're away from home. Just toss the dirty diapers in the wetbag until you get to your destination and can wash them.
One of the biggest life savers while traveling with cloth are flushable liners. You probably won't have access to a diaper sprayer so the easiest way to remove stool off your diapers is to just use flushable liners. Most flushable liners are biodegradable and usually made from natural plant fibers. This will keep the majority of poop off your cloth diapers and make them less smelly if you can't get to a washing machine for sometime. Best of all you can simply flush them in the toilet with no worries.
Lastly, if you are going to be staying with friend or family and have access to a washing machine don't forget to bring your detergent. The worst thing you can do is forget your detergent and use a brand that harms your cloth diapers. You don't want to get back home from vacation to find your cloth diapers repelling and needing stripping. Just pack a zip lock bag or bottle with your favorite cloth diaper friendly detergent.
- Overestimate the amount of diapers you will need. Always have plenty of spares and back ups.
- Don't try a new system on the road. Use cloth diapers that you are familiar with. Don't switch to a system that you have never tried at home.
- Ask family and friends ahead of time if it's alright to use their washer and dryer. You know your diapers won't harm their machine but you don't want to arrive to an argument of using someones washer.
- Pre-stuff all your diapers before heading on your trip. This will save time and save you a headache from doing it on the side of the road