OsoCozy Diaper Sprayer Installation
1. Turn off the valve the supplies water to the toilet tank. Empty the toilet tank by flushing it.
1. Cierre la LLave de paso que alimenta el tanque del inodoro. Vacie el agua del tanque.
2. Disconnect the hose connecting the water supply valve to the toilet tank.
2. Desconecte la manguera flexible que conecta la llave de paso en la pared con el tanque del inodoro.
3. Hand tighten the "Shut off valve connector" to the connection on the bottom of the toilet tank, being sure to place the rubber washer inside the "Shut off valve connector.
3. Instale y apriete a mano la "Valvula de cierre", teniendo cuidado de colocar el sello de gorna antes de instalar.
4. Reconnect the Flexible Hose to the end of the "Shut off valve connector".
4. Reconecte la manguera flexible al otro extremo de la "Valvula de cierre"
5. Connect the diaper sprayer's metal hose to the "Shut off valve connector" and turn on the valve that supplies water.
5. Connecte la manguera del diaper sprayer a la "Valvula de cierre" y abra la llave de paso.
6. Place the hose support to the wall and hang the new diaper sprayer.
6. Coloque el soporte para la mangeura en la pared y cuelgue el nuevo diaper sprayer.