How to Use All-in-One Cloth Diapers
If you are looking for the quickest and easiest diaper around, all in one diapers may be the way to go.
CLOTH DIAPER LINGO: AIO = All in One Cloth diaper, a diaper with the moisture absorbent part (the diaper) and the moisture resistant part (the cover) combined into one diaper that is easy on and easy off.
No Extras
With an all in one diaper, there are no extras to stuff or separate or fold. Just on, off, and toss in the wash.
Easy Enough for the Babysitter
Have you ever had the experience of trying to explain to a daycare provider or a babysitter how to fold a diaper. Skip that step altogether. All-in-one diapers are self explanatory. They are shaped like a baby, and it is obvious where they go. Though grandparents may have experience with simple prefolds, they may want the easy diapers when they watch their grandbabies.
Yes, Even Easy Enough for Daycare
If you want to use cloth diapers in your child's daycare, you might want to start the conversation with an all in one cloth diaper in hand. Often their hesitation comes from thinking that cloth diapers will be difficult. If you show a daycare provider how easy aio diapers can be, you have a better chance of keeping your child in clean, soft cloth diapers throughout the day.
When washing all in one cloth diapers, be sure that you use manufacturer-recommended setting in order to get the diapers thoroughly clean and not damage the outer, moisture-resistant layer.