Cloth vs. Disposable

Cloth versus disposable diapers

How Much Money Will I Save with Cloth Diapers vs. Disposable?

Even when the economy is humming, families look for ways to save money with a new baby. Now more than ever, it is time to cut costs where you can.

When you can cut costs and use a superior product, even better!


  • Disposable Diapers will cost between $1,800 and $2,700 per child.
  • Cloth Diapering will cost between $300 and $1,200.
  • Based on the above figures you are likely to save from $600-$2,400 by home laundering a quality cloth diapers.

Your savings are multiplied if you have additional children.  This is because the majority of cloth diapers can last for your 2nd or sometimes even 3rd child!  Most natural fibers with enough care will last 100+ washes.

Remember, if your diaper isn't cloth, it's garbage.

The hidden costs of garbage are found in municipal solid waste and depletion of natural resources.  Do your part to Reduce and Reuse by using cloth diapers.

Cost Savings