How Many Diapers to Buy for a Newborn?

How Many Diapers to Buy for a Newborn?

Before your baby is born, you probably want to stock up on cloth diapers so you will be ready when the baby arrives. Or, maybe you just need to know how many diapers to register for your baby shower gift.

What Size Diaper for a Newborn Baby?

Babies grow fast and their size at birth can vary a lot. A 5lb premature baby has just a tiny handful of bottom and needs a very small diaper (a cloth or several wipes will usually do), but a 9-10lb newborn may gain weight so quickly that they only fit a small diaper for weeks.

How Many Diaper Changes Per Day?

Most newborn babies will wet about 12 times a day. You should change a baby's diaper whenever it is wet to avoid rash and irritation. Plan on at least 12 diapers per day plus a couple at night and a few more for accidents about 15-18 a day so you don't come up short.  If you are washing every two days, start with 3 dozen diapers to be sure you have enough diapers.

Start with Prefolds

Because babies can grow so quickly in the beginning, you might want to start by stocking some prefolds. That way, if your small fitted diapers are too large for a few weeks, you still have diapers that fit well for your newborn baby. You can use the small prefolds later as diaper doublers and general purpose baby wipes.

Diaper Baby Gift

Cloth diapers are a wonderful gift for a new parent. This will save the parents money and start the baby out right with diapers that will be reused over and over again.

Newborn Baby Diapers & Gifts